“Unsettling: A self-examination for non-Indigenous people working in Indigenous contexts”, a SAF-funded event series taking place over the course of 2019, is looking for an Events Coordinator. $2400 honorarium for 120 hours of work. See full job description for more details.

To apply, please send a letter of intention and your CV (in the same document) to unsettlingeventseries2019@gmail.com before 5pm on Friday, November 16th. Please feel free to be creative with your application and include your lived experience, learned experience and anything else that marks you out as the person for this position. If you have any further questions, call and ask for Emma or Tim at 514-756-6823 or 514-709-2383. NB, this position is open to both students and community members at large. We strongly encourage First Nations, Metis and Inuit people to apply for this position.