Creating an interdisciplinary network of scholars, established artists and emerging artists; made up of a majority of Concordia community members. This network of individuals dedicated to social/environmental change will work together throughout the year to research alternative arts curriculums culminating in a two-week festival hosted half in nature and half at the Concordia campus.

These curriculums will be created as a collaborative effort between scholars and established artists and with direct input from students and emerging artists. They will be designed in collaboration and conversation with Indigenous Elders and artists, including Barbara Diabo, Iehente Foote, Joseph Naytowhow, Sam Ojeda, Brooke Rice and Catherine Richardson. Looking at ways we can bring Indigenous methodologies into Western curriculums and how cross-cultural collaboration can be more effective.

This will be a huge milestone in the path to repairing relations with the Indigenous Peoples of Northern Turtle Island and will build on the TRC’s 83rd recommendation to create opportunities for Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists to undertake collaborative projects and produce works that contribute to the reconciliation process.

Concordia faculty, Indigenous Elders and artists, and international artists/scholars will have conversations from January to May 2023 via zoom and in person. These conversations will culminate in a residency workshop in which the first week is hosted as an inaugural residency at the student-run arts centre in Pine Hill, QC, the second week will be hosted at Loyola campus. Workshops will involve established artists/scholars sharing their practice with emerging artists and open conversations about anti-colonial practices in the arts and within university settings. The second week hosted at Loyola campus will have nightly performances open to the public in which anyone can come and witness the shared learning and collaborative art created throughout this project.






Adalia Pemberton-Smith