The Television and film production processes are notoriously environmentally un-sustainable, energy intensive and produce a huge amount of un-recyclable waste. The rise of new technologies in the field is opening possibilities for the industry to become more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
The introduction of professional cameras that do-away with tapes by using hard drives instead, helped cut all the waste produced from tapes. Hard drives also reduced drastically the amount of energy used in the transfer process, as transferring from tapes happens in real time (i.e. that means running a computer and a transfer device for the whole length of the tape), while transferring from a hard drive is a drag and drop process lasting just a few minutes.
CUTV is taking advantage of new technologies to move our station to a sustainable model. As more funding came into our budget, the station, over 2010-2011, started retiring tape cameras and introducing cameras that operate on hard drives. CUTV also looked into retiring the old incandescent lights used for filming and acquiring next generation LED and fluorescent Lights.
Years funded: 2010-11
Amount allocated: $2,444.50
Project leader: Laith Marouf
E-mail: info@cutvmontreal.com