Vote Yes to increase SAF’s Fee Levy from $0.25 to $0.50 per credit, to further support sustainability projects!
Why do we need an increase?
- To increase the amount of funding opportunities in our Special Projects Fund and Diversify our funding streams.
- To augment the Sustainability Research Awards scholarship program by offering more scholarships.
- To increase wages and staff development to ensure current and evolving living wages are being met.
Since 2017, the SAF…
- Has funded 199 projects.
- Awarded $658,699.70 to projects.
- Has awarded 60 Sustainability Research Awards giving over $60,000 worth of scholarship funds.
- Funded other fee-levy groups such as Sustainable Concordia, Le Frigo Vert, Centre for Gender Advocacy, People’s Potato, Concordia Greenhouse, CUTV, Concordia Food Coalition, Co-op Bookstore & more.
About the SAF:
- SAF’s mission is to build an inclusive culture of sustainability at Concordia by enabling, supporting, and financing projects that tackle interconnected environmental, social, and economic issues.
- The SAF’s day to day operations are run by a small part time staff of four coordinators.
- The staff is overseen by 12 elected BOD members representing fee levy groups, student associations, staff and the broader Concordia Community.
Please VOTE YES on November 29th, 30th & December 1st.
Feel free to email us at for any other questions.
Additional Info on the CSU By-Elections.